Crossing the Miraflores Lock
Entering a lock at dusk
Working through a lock past Gatun Lake
Watching the locks open
After lunch on January 2nd, the National Geographic Sea Lion left the waters of Costa Rica and began the 180 nautical mile trek to the Gulf of Panama. The next morning, we visited Bona & Otoque islands by zodiac before disembarking at Tabloga to visit the summer home of the ship's Hotel Manager Erasmo. It was quite a sight to see all 60 passengers trekking through the small town and piling into a seaside cottage for a quick visit!
At 3 pm, we began the process of entering the Panama Canal. For the next six hours, we crossed through the first three sets of locks starting with Miraflores Lock, and anchored in Gatun Lake for the night. The next morning, we had the privilege of visiting Barro Colorado Island, one of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute stations, where we were led on hikes guided by the researchers studying there. After lunch, we continued our crossing of the Panama Canal through two more sets of locks before reaching the Caribbean Sea. We anchored just inside the sea wall for the night which made for a calm night on the ship, and then disembarked the next morning to take a bus back over to Panama City for the flight home. Quite the contrast between Colon and the built-up, modern Panama City.
It was a fantastic trip, highlighted by the sail through the Panama Canal!